Kinoma Create is a JavaScript-Powered Maker Kit For Building Internet Of Things Projects & Prototyping Consumer Electronics. In 2014, Kinoma cooperated with a renowned International Human Computer Interaction Conference called UIST, to hold a competition for postgrads and undergrad students to come up with an innovative use for the Kinoma Create, to be showcased as part of their publications.

Project VDR was conceived to showcase the power of the Kinoma device and platform, as well as, it ability to connect to internet based API services as this is one of the main power of IoT (Internet of Things) devices. Kinoma Create has it’s own SDK which is based on Node.JS which allowed to develop an MVC software architecture for the UI and the sensors pulled data.
Web Sockets are used for all web-based communication between the Kinoma and other web services. The Kinoma acted as a web socket client and server. Sensors such as magnetometer or MPUs which combine accelerometers and magnetometers to compute orientation in 3D, and actuators such as Vibrating motors are connected to the Kinoma via GPIO and analogue to digital pins.

Project VDR “Vacuum Dance Revolution” a 3rd place most innovative award winner focuses on utilizing the motion occurring during vacuum cleaning to play a rhythm based game to motivate people to clean while offering a positive gamified experience. Heavy tweaking to the Kinoma Create device was applied to make it more mobile, responsive and durable during the heavy movement packed game.

Finally, a web application was build allowing players to compete and compare their results over the internet, also to stream their progress during playing, and people can “cheer” them off the web, and cheers are converted into a distinct vibration pattern on the vacuum cleaner handle.
Other promotional material such as the competition video was also created in-house.