Eyespect : Your On Field Monitor

Eyespect allows the industry to overcome expensive digital renovation projects and drastically reduces the complexity of their IoT infrastructure demands, as it converts their existing infrastructure with the use of smart cameras and AZENA…

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Workshop with AlMakinah : Javascript in IoT

The workshop involved lecturing about what is IoT and physical computing with microcontrollers, sensors and actuators. Followed by providing a workshop to allow participants to build IoT applications with Javascript.

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Enbracelet : Enbracing human empathy using wearable smart Bracelet

Definition of a Smart City A Smart city is an urban area that uses different types of electronic Internet of Things (IoT) sensors to collect data and then use these data to manage assets and resources efficiently. This includes data collected from citizens, devices,…

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Emotional Robots : Humanoid NAO + Microsoft Emotion API

Emotional robots was part of a research project in AI and IoT aiming to extend emotion awareness to robotic assistances such as Alexa. NAO is a robotic humanoid developed by Aldebaran Robotics, a French…

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AffectiChat (Affective Computing Research) : An Emotional Texting App

AffectiChat was part of my human computer interaction research in emotional computing and emotional recognition in everyday interaction with daily tasks at the University of Bamberg HCI group. You can also check my publication…

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VDR (3rd Place Most Creative Award by UIST) : Kinoma Create

Kinoma Create is a JavaScript-Powered Maker Kit For Building Internet Of Things Projects & Prototyping Consumer Electronics. In 2014, Kinoma cooperated with a renowned International Human Computer Interaction Conference called UIST, to hold a…

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